Page name: Dormitory 360 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-03 22:26:36
Last author: Veltzeh
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Dormitory 360: Myetel's room

The general feel of the room is cold; there are no decorative things anywhere – the room is slightly colder also literally. The door is located in the lower left corner of the room. Right in front of the door there is a television, its screen turned towards the right side of the room. In the corner behind the TV there is a big pile of stuff, weapons, guns, hitting and cutting weapons, tools, taken-apart devices and camping equipment. The pile is so big that it's hard not to imagine it interfering with TV-watching. In the middle of the wall opposite to the door there is a window that is very likely to be seen covered by a curtain. On the right side of the room there is a workdesk and chair, an armchair and a dentist's chair with a strange headset equipment and other stuff attached to it. On the workdesk there are papers, writing tools, usual desk utensils and a computer with its accessories. However, there are three monitors around. Behind the armchair there is a messy bed, a bathroom door and a closed clothes closet. The bed has sheets, a pillow and a quilt, but there are no other garments to be seen in this room. On the same wall with the door there are shelves holding some better looking equipment than in the opposite corner. Right next to the door there is a bookshelf, holding a few books, videotapes, computer materials and a few technical things. The floor is clean enough, but there are a few gadgets, components and remote controls lying around at random. With a close look, you can even see a videotape in the ceiling lamp. A closer look at the TV reveals that it's in fact a self-made home entertainment system.

X-Men - Time
Dormitory 360 hist 1
Dormitory 360 hist 2
Dormitory 360 hist 3

Myetel came in, put his camping equipment away, pulled a lamp to lighten the corridor outside and picked a sensor helmet as well as a bix box of a piece of equipment that was some sort of a meter. He then went back to the corridor.


Myetel came in with his equipment and started analyzing the data he had gotten.

There was a knock at the door.

"<Come in>", said Myetel.

Korvka entered room and shut the door softly behind her. Myetel was at his computer as usual so she crossed the space between them and hugged around his chest as she stood behind him. <"Hey you,"> she said softly as she leaned her head into the crook of his neck. <"Been a long day,"> she said, standing up straight and stretching her arms over her head.

Myetel glanced quickly at Korvka when she entered. He grinned a bit and touched her arm with his other hand when she hugged. "<Felt like a pretty normal day to me, but I guess it's just because I missed the action. Not that there was much if I heard right. When are we going to go rescue them? We'll have to do that sooner or later, I have no doubt Xavier will try to sacrifice the rest of us to get the others back.>"

It couldn't have felt like less of a normal day to Korvka. Everything about today was confusing her, from the things that were beyond her control to the choices she had made, this was anything but just another day. <"Well it felt long to me. I blew my fuse in front of the newcomers too, which I'm sure was entertaining at least,"> she said with a shrug as a yawn ripped through her mouth. <"Can I stay with you tonight? I don't really feel like sleeping alone. I can't explain it so please don't ask,"> she said heavily as she touched his cheek with the backs of her fingers.

"<That's understandable>", replied Myetel to Korvka's statement about the day having been long for her. He was somewhat surprised to hear Korvka wanting to sleep with him and wondered what to reply. "<Uh, sure, if you want to. ...Do you actually want to sleep in my bed or should we go get your mattress? You know, I've never slept with anyone, not even in a same room with someone, much less in the same bed.>" He looked just slightly concerned.

<"There's nothing to feel uncomfortable about, if that's what you mean. I could just go grab some pajamas or sleep in my shirt and underwear, its not like we haven't seen that,"> Korvka explained. <"I won't take up much room on your bed, remember? We've napped here before,"> she said, glancing to the bed. That world seemed ages ago.

"<Well, you never know, and that nap was a bit different. Besides, I probably only slept like half of it.>" Myetel shrugged then. "<I'm going to shower. Didn't manage to get one right after I came back, it takes so long for the water to hit me.>" He then went into his bathroom and locked the door.

Once Myetel left, Korvka was struck with how bad of an idea she'd had. She was pushing it, and he certainly didn't seem comfortable with it. Maybe she'd see him tomorrow. Growing a little leaf she placed it on his pillow and then exited the door into X-Men Hall South 3rd.

Myetel exited the shower fairly soon, wearing his sleeping clothes. He was a little surprised to see Korvka gone, and thought that the leaf on his pillow meant that she would come back. He waited for about half an hour, continuing to analyze the data some more, before he concluded that she probably wasn't going to come back. He looked at the leaf for a moment and ate it for a light snack before going to bed.

Tuesday, 21st of September.

In the morning, Charles Xavier's psychic broadcast echoed in every student's mind: "Good morning, dear students. As you know, there will be no regular lessons today, but that does not mean that you can lazy around the entire day. There will be a special training session starting in the Danger Room at 9:30, and I require all of you present."

Myetel woke up promptly at the wake-up-call and felt extremely irritated at it. He got up and decided to go eat on the last possible moment since he didn't want to deal with a kitchenful of other people.

When the time drew closer, Myetel went to X-Men Hall South 3rd.

Hours later...

Myetel ran in, put a note of his door that said "Camping" and left to the forests soon enough.

From here you can go to X-Men Hall South 3rd.

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2004-11-16 [Roma]: NaNoWriMo! OH MY GOSH! My friend is doing that! Holy cow - that's so awesome!

2004-11-16 [Roma]: Well, I wouldn't mind if you wouldn't but I think that it's up to you. ;)

2004-11-16 [Veltzeh]: Well, Kaider's always interesting to play no matter what... but even Kaider needs a reason, hehe. Hmm, he could go ask Korvka personally if she wanted to come on the retrieval mission and not scan the room before going in or something XD

2004-11-16 [Veltzeh]: A lot of the Elfwood mods are doing nano... that's why I know about it, but I could probably never do it XD

2004-11-16 [Roma]: That'd work. As it *is* the most convenient way to achieve the end. I just think it'd be hilarious if he went all crazy, and pulled them out of the room, or went to authorities, or told everyone...even though I don't know how he'd react. But still, we'd need to make it a little further down the they're not doing anything at the moment.

2004-11-16 [Veltzeh]: Yep... and the plot is still kind of hanging, I can't go on with it just yet, so we need to wait anyway. Lol, and I thought up a nice little quirk for Kaider and Myetel to go with XD

2004-11-16 [Roma]: OOH! Now I'm all excited! *bounce, bounce, bounce!*

2004-11-17 [Veltzeh]: Bouncy!

2004-11-17 [Roma]: Yesh! Wee! I'm excited for plotlines and quirks! But could you enlighten me *slightly,* so I could think of something appropriately hysterical to respond with.

2004-11-17 [Veltzeh]: Lol, well, you know Myetel's been poking around Kaider's brain as well. Well, he managed to make Kaider just a liiiittle bit confuddled (nuts) and Kaider bet him that he will get laid before Kaider will (seeing that he had better chances just because he wasn't erm, physically lacking stuff), and the price would be a photo on the one who got laid having sex with the partner. Lol, Myetel thought it was a joke and Kaider was too high to think about it, but Kaider does still remember it. XD I'm evil.

2004-11-17 [Roma]: Oh man...poor Kaider! But why would Kaider want to stop it, and be all freaky "NO! NEVER! DON'T!" Or maybe I'm not understanding this all? o.O

2004-11-17 [Veltzeh]: Yeah, that's the problem I'm also having... Hm... Then again, I don't really think we can find anyone in the school who would have that strong a reaction...

2004-11-17 [Roma]: Yeah. Maybe...he hates Myetel that much that he'd want to ruin it? Or...maybe he's not in his right mind, after-effects of the brain-tampering? And then he'd tell Xavier to...I don't know...mentally interrupt them, and then embarrass them all badly and stuff? Because if the principal was in her head when she was in that sort of moment...Korvka would flip out.

2004-11-17 [Veltzeh]: Oh, it's been two weeks ago, they're both over it. But Kaider's gone through a lot today... I don't think she'd drag others into it though, and heh, why would she when she can simulate all kinds of stuff with his powers anyway? XD Would probably be worse, Korvka having a bitter lonely student poking and messing her mind.

2004-11-17 [Roma]: Yeah, but she want to find out who it was, and then absolutely beat the crap out of them. I'd be so ugly that Xavier would likely kick her out of school. Not that Kaider couldn't get some good punches on her...but Korvka *is* a trained boxer.

2004-11-17 [Veltzeh]: Oh, I mean Kaider would be doing it openly, so that Korvka'd know it was her. Kaider's been messed enough today to not care about the consequences... and as for kicking people from the school, since it'd be Kaider who started it in the first place, I'd figure Xavier would just make them swear to not do it again. XD Lol, I'd love to see my precious telepath all crushed into a sobbing pile of broken flesh, omg. I'm so mean XD And I'm heading to bed, it's 4 in the morning, my posts are getting short, my grammar is deteriorating (I really fumbled the pronouns in the comment before this one) and I should've been up in two hours. XD

2004-11-17 [Roma]: Gar, I keep saying "he," and Kaider isn't! ARGH! Sorry...I guess I'm one of those people who doesn't understand the concept of gender neutrality. But I'll pretend you don't hate meh!

2004-11-17 [Roma]: Ahh...well, Korvka could *definitely* deliver. She's got a lot of rage...and she's just...well...strong. Bwaha...that's awesome. Because I've wanted Korvka to totally obliterate someone for a while now!

2004-11-17 [Veltzeh]: Lol, I had a few problems starting to call Kaider she (I'd called her he for a good part of the game until I got sick of it XD), but it was because I was just used to the old way. Now I'm fine with it again, lol. Anyway, I take the plot thingy sounds good this far? Kaider's going to be so darn broken after it! I'm thinking of some very nasty ways they could abuse Kaider... XD

2004-11-17 [Sturmi]: hum, maybe if you want someone to yell a bit I could bring Sofía... though I don't know why should she come to Myetel's room...

2004-11-17 [Veltzeh]: Yeah, that's another problem X)

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